Rambling Scarf

Traditional Herringbone Diamond twill patterned scarf - handwoven with multiple weft colour changes of British wool including native rare breeds Blue-faced Leicester, Jacob, Ryeland, Swaledale and Shetland

With multiple weft colour changes this piece offers pure luxury, medium in softness, thick and so very very warm

The Rambling Scarf takes on forms of the rambling Cornish countryside such as that of the many ancient standing stones of Penwith that we herald in the strike of grey within the warp


You notice the glimmers of light that bounce of feldspar and the twinkle of quartz in granite megaliths such as that of the beautiful strikes of pale-coloured Swaledale in the weft. In spring our senses waken to the subtle nuances of colour, when out rambling on the wild moors and the rocky tors


Porthledden Scarf


Sea Pinks Scarf